Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Movie thoughts - in capsule form

Mr. Brooks -
Normally, "Lame techno-strobe-light-gun-battle" would be an oxymoron, as techno-strobe-light-gun-battles are normally kick ass. Not so much here.

Hannibal Rising -
So apparently Dr. Hannibal Lecter was a badass samurai action hero who risked life and limb to save his Japanese aunt with whom he was intimately involved. When did he ever find time to enjoy "fava beans and a nice Chianti?"

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Friday, June 01, 2007

Sith = Sh*t spelled differently.

I just recently caught about ten minutes of the "final" Star Wars movie, episode 3. And from the ten minutes, it's finally dawned on me that if you liked ANY of the second trilogy, you're an idiot. No other movies have succeeded so much based purely on the franchise. These movies were pieces of crap, and everyone knows it, but the fan boys are too proud to admit it. Seriously, watch this and tell me what is (A) exciting, (B) well done or (C) coherent about any of it:

Any answers? The action was boring, I've had better sword fights after a night at the bar. And how could Samuel L. Jackson take a movie that made him such a wuss? And on that same note, I know Sammy can act, but he's just laughable here. Hooray George Lucas, you can spend a couple hundred million, make a couple hundred million more, all while making decent actors look like they should have played the trees in their high school renditions of "Death of a Salesman."

Wow, that feels better. But it's really f'ing infuriating typing on a keyboard with a broken spacebar.

Friday, May 11, 2007

One can only hope.

How long til this guy ends up in a Harry Potter movie?

Monday, May 07, 2007


Well, those of you still watching (and enjoying) Lost, take heart.

I think 24 is confirmed to run for a similar length of time, which is about 4 years too much. I wonder if a show like Firefly (had people not been idiots and watched it) - which ruled for 13 episodes - had been allowed to run for as long as the creators wanted, would have eventually sucked a lot of balls?

My heart says no, but my balls... my balls say yes.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'll give it a shot, but this is pretty gay... even for me.

I'm one of the few people I know who didn't mind Maroon 5's first album, but this single off their new one is pretty disappointing. It does have some pretty gay dancing in the video though, so that's cool.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Whoa, sorry about that.

I got a little to caught up in doing all sorts of nothing that I haven't posted here in almost two months!

Here's my thought for the day though:

It must be a really good business decision to sell warranties that — in the (not-so) rare case that you actually need to use them — require the customer to go through enough of a hassle that they don't bother using it, and just buy something new instead.

How does this relate to me? Well, my bass amp (head) just went gay, and I'm having a wee bit of a problem getting a hold of someone. Plus, their website just oozes consumer confidence ... NOT

Thursday, February 01, 2007


My legal pad in my office smells like cookies.

Very nice.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Well, looks like I'll be getting Cingular

I'm never going to pay off my credit card.

Friday, January 05, 2007

Jesus is listening

I've had this little gem hiding in my GMail archive for quite a while, but here it is.

It's nice to know he's out there, listening, but what happened to him that he would have to get a job as customer service at Musician's Friend?