Monday, May 07, 2007


Well, those of you still watching (and enjoying) Lost, take heart.

I think 24 is confirmed to run for a similar length of time, which is about 4 years too much. I wonder if a show like Firefly (had people not been idiots and watched it) - which ruled for 13 episodes - had been allowed to run for as long as the creators wanted, would have eventually sucked a lot of balls?

My heart says no, but my balls... my balls say yes.


Zach said...

I'm a Joss Whedon devotee, and even I didn't watch Firefly. It probably eventually would have lost a little zing, but his shows never have gotten to the ball-sucking point. 12 seasons of pretty great TV is track record enough.

Oh, and 24 needs to die.

Sdeming said...

Your balls can talk?

Zach said...

If these balls could talk...